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Contact EqualityX 

If you have any questions or suggestions we'd love to hear from you. Please complete the form below and we'll be in touch very soon. Don't forget to check our FAQs below where you may find the answer you are looking for!

Thanks for contacting us! We'll be in touch soon.

  • Can I nominate myself?
  • Is there a nomination entry fee?
    Yes, there is a £25 non-refundable nomination entry fee.
  • My nominee was based in one country and is now working in another; can I nominate the person for both lists?
    We advise you to nominate and provide evidence for the country where they made the biggest impact.
  • How do I nominate?
    All entries must be submitted via the EqualityX online nomination form by selecting the relevant list.
  • How will I know if my nomination was safely received?
    You will receive a confirmation message on the website once you have submitted. In addition to this, all nominations will be acknowledged via the nominator’s email address.
  • Are there sponsorship opportunities?
    There are a few sponsorship packages available, please get in touch for more information by completing the “contact us” form.
  • I submitted the nominations, but I forgot to include important information, what should I do?
    Do not submit another nomination, simply send us the missing information via email to clearly stating the relevant list, name and organisation of your nominee in the subject field.
  • How will the results be announced?
    We will announce both lists during the week commencing on 16th September 2024 and publish them on the EqualityX website. We will share a media pack with Influential Muslims which will include the” Top 50 Influential Muslim” badge.
  • Why has the Influential Diversity Allies list been discontinued?
    We value the incredible work our allies are doing but there are several other awards platforms that celebrate their contribution.
  • Are nominations open to people working in certain industries or sectors?
    No, anyone can be nominated as long as they are in full/part-time employment including self-employed.
  • Who are the judges?
    Criteria matrix for the evaluation of nominations was developed in cooperation with consultants and professionals in the field. Nominations will be automatically assessed by that matrix and reviewed by the EqualityX Team to ensure the correctness and validity of the nominees appearing on the final list.
  • What if a person is nominated multiple times?
    Multiple nominations will not increase the nominee’s chances, if we receive multiple nominations, we will only evaluate the most comprehensive nomination.
  • Will there be a shortlist published?
    We do not intend to publish a shortlist.
  • Do you inform the nominee who nominated them?
    Nominator details are kept confidential.
  • Will you publish the list in numerical order?
    The lists will be published in alphabetical order.
  • What about Data protection?
    EqualityX complies with any applicable legislation relating to data protection or privacy of individuals, the “Regulation” (which means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council (“General Data Protection Regulation”) and its national implementing laws, as well as any applicable laws or regulations on cyber security (“Data Protection Laws”).
  • Does the nominee have to be a senior leader?
    No, we are looking for outstanding people and their position in the company is irrelevant.
  • Do employers have to submit workforce data?
    No, because we recognise most employers do not track and monitor faith in the workplace. Our aim is to measure Muslim inclusion in the workplace.
  • Is there a participation entry fee?
    Yes, the entry fee varies depending on the number of employees in the organisation. The payment is non-refundable.
  • I work for a multinational but can I complete the questionnaire based on our work in a specific country?
    Yes you can, be clear on which country your efforts relate to.
  • Are there sponsorship opportunities?
    There are a few sponsorship packages available, please get in touch for more information by completing the “contact us” form.
  • How can I nominate my company?
    Simply head over to the applications page and fill out the form. At the end of the form you will be directed to the checkout to make an application fee payment, at which point your application will be complete.
  • How long does it take to fill out all the sections?
    The benchmark is simple and time efficient. Most of the questions require YES and NO answers. We anticipate it will take no more than two hours.
  • How would I know if my submission was safely received?
    All nominations will be acknowledged.
  • I submitted the entry form, but I forgot to include important information, what should I do?
    Do not submit another application. Simply send us the missing information via email before the closing date to clearly stating the name of the award and name of the organisation.
  • When will I find out if my organisation has made it into the Top 25?
    The Top 25 employers will be informed two weeks in advance of the release. We will embargo this announcement.
  • Will you publish the names of all participating employers?
    No, we only intend to publish the top 25 high scoring employers.
  • Is it open to public sector employers?
    Yes, employers across public, private, and charity sectors can participate.
  • Will there be a shortlist published?
    We do not intend to publish a shortlist.
  • Will you publish the list in numerical order?
    The lists will be published in alphabetical order.
  • Does the employer have to be a multinational company?
    No, the benchmarking applies to employers of all sizes including start-ups.
  • How will the results be announced?
    The inaugural list will be announced during the week commencing 4th November 2024 and published on the EqualityX website.
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